Wednesday, November 4, 2009

When Trying to Meditate

Below is the transcript of a talk show where Abraham provides profound information to co-creator. Its worth reading as this will change people.

Thank you I can't tell you how happy I am to be here. And I will try not to cry on your mic. If I ask, If I am trying to meditate and I am asking what is my divine purpose and (Interrupted by Abraham)

Now why do you say trying to meditate?

Haaa, I dont think I do it well.

Well, here is what we would look for. You trained your mind to be very responsive to the things. So, when you ask it to be quite, you are asking something it is not used to. And that doesn't shut down easily. And thats a good thing. Thats not bad thing. In other words it is nice to have an active responsive mind.

Now what you have to do is prepave in advance and meditate everyday approximately same time everyday. Because it gets your mind a sort of ready for the idea of the meditation. and then earlier in the day is better. Because earlier in the day you have less built up resistance. the earlier in the day, you are more tuned into the non phisical that what you are. So, meditate everyday at the same time and not for longer periods, 15 or 20 minutes is really enough. And say to yourself the purpose of this meditation is not to receive answers to questions. in other words, I am not going into meditation to script things or to hear the answers to all of my questions. I am going to meditation for one reason only and that is to quite my mind in order to release my resistant thought and to tune my vibration upward so that it comes closer and closer to that of my source energy.

So then when you sit in your chair to meditate, find something to focus up on. Don't go to sleep. Find something to focus upon that requires little attention but not much. Counting is very productive activity because counting requires little attention and it doesn't allow your thoughts wander and other things. Or Listening to something like a note some thing like Hmmmmmmmmm , Like at first you can hold that note like humming louder and then later you can put the note holding in your mind according to your convinience. Though you do not hum louder, keeping it in mind also requires concentration and doesn't allow thought an lot of other things. Holding the note you can find your vibration raises. When this vibration raises, you always feel it in your body. The feeling of releasing of resistance feels like tingles up your spine, feels like bubbles up your leg. It feels like goosebumps up your body. releaseing of resistance is always physical pleasurable feeling.

So as you are releasing resistance, feel it in your body, and if you don't feel it don't worry about it. Just look forward to feeling it later. But as you begin to feel that feeling, we describe it as feeling of detachment. Some may describe it as feeling of weightless ness. You may also be more intemately aware of all aspects of your body and may not be able to tell difference between toe and nose. Your body may feel like sort of one thing.

Well, once you get to that place, you know that you managed to quite your mind and you had a successful meditation. Now as you progressed day after day, that feeling of meditation will move into other things. You get into sort of that place of detachment. Once you reach the place of detachment and you are into it, then you will begin to notice some sort of twitches and itches in your body. You will observe different things like musels will move and you know you can't move. That's an indication that source is sending signals and you at un-conscious level translating. That's why we say yawn is good indicator. Try not to be distracted by them, but instead, embrace them and enjoy them. What it means is residual resistance in your apparatus is being sort of shaken loose. So these twitches and itches in your body are indications of releasing the resistance. The numbness is something you will experience everytime you bigining and you won't feel all these later you will not feel after releasing all resistance.

But then an interesting thing will begin to happen in meditation. You will begin to feel the impulse to move. in other words it will be easy often and some times you will feel alignment in your body. You will feeling muscles doing things that you are not accoustomed doing , in other words, this is source energy giving signals and you in other state of non physical resistance allowing  parts of your body to receive the conversation from source. It is soo delicious you see.

There is no reason for meditation beyond that, because what you are doing is releasing resistance. you are  releaseing resistance. So what are advantages of meditation.

1.) You will tune up your vibration to who you are.
2.) If you do it everyday, it will be easier for you to recognise the moment you are not in alignment with source energy. and you will be able to bring youreslf back into source energy.
3.) It is the fastest way to make ourselves be in align and receive what we have already looking for.

So this is one of the conversations where I got very good insights on meditation. I know this will help everyone also to understand more about meditation.

Leave any answers or comments below. Have good time in meditating.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A simple and nice article with more insight. This made to think that meditation is not a big deal to follow. Definitely will help me to practice it.