Sunday, November 1, 2009

What is disappointment?


Map is some thing that we create in our mind. It is an understanding of any particular thing in ones mind. No two people has same map. Maps vary widely , how ever reality is one. So it means that we create a map called expectation in our mind which is contrary to the reality.

Then we start comparing our map(expectation) to the reality. We find the difference between these two which is not expected. We do not expect the difference as we believe sooo strongly that our map is real.

This unexpected difference comes as disappointment.

I am not asking you to match your map exactly to the reality. If you can do that that the wonderful job. Most importantly we have to understand that the map we are having and the reality may not be the same. We have to understand this in the first place.

So, next time you have any preconceived ideas and when you face reality, be ready to rebuild your map by taking new inputs rather than only comparing your map.

Then we understand there is nothing called disappointment, it only rigid comparison I am doing instead of updating my map with new data.

What do you think? Give your comments.

1 comment:

Tarunani said...

Hi Krishna...The idea behind your theme made me to comment...that this is the same thing i feel and have been feeling. I tried many times explaining to my near ones. The subtle difference in expectation which we call expectation gap that creates waves and havoc in life...Let us make few more blogs on this topic just how can we correlate real life instances..In one word, thanks n Nice..